Pest Odyssey UK Group Terms of Reference

Name of group:

Pest Odyssey U.K.

Date of Formation:


Governed by:

Steering committee, made up of:

Amy Crossman, Independent

Adrian Doyle, British Museum

Kerren Harris, Historic Royal Palaces

YvetteHarvey, Royal Horticultural Society Garden, Wisley

Dee Lauder, English Heritage

David Pinniger, IPM consultant

Suzanne Ryder, Natural History Museum, London

Helen Smith, Independent

Jane Thompson-Webb, Birmingham Museum Trust

Alexander Walker, Bodleian Library, Oxford

Nigel Blades, National Trust

The steering group consists of professionals from the cultural heritage sector with a wide experience of IPM, a personal interest and demonstrated dedication to the program and its applications. We effectively represent the cultural sector, drawn from the wide group; hence their names are attached to the institutions they belong to in all communications.

It is required for steering group members to show active participation and within the group and attend a minimum of 1 meeting annually.


Jane Thompson-Webb, Birmingham Museum Trust


Suzanne Ryder,  Natural History Museum, London

IO group coordinator:

Helen Smith, Independent

Website editor:

Kerren Harris, Historic Roll Palaces

Events coordinator:

Yvette Harvey


Steering group members & all parties interested in IPM

Organisation type:

Non profit group, advocating for IPM in cultural heritage institutions

An Institute of Conservation (Icon) Network

Creating collaborative networks and sharing relevant information


To communicate, advise and promote all aspects of IPM through Pest Odyssey UK group email, annual open meetings, publications, training and a website


To protect collections against pest attack by using non-invasive methods.

Terms of Reference:


  • Promote and communicate IPM best practice
  • Share and exchange knowledge and expertise
  • Develop guidelines and strategies for IPM programmes
  • Explore learning tools
  • Maintain an online presence to disseminate relevant information
  • Advise legislative bodies directing control and treatment products
  • Support emerging professionals in IPM
  • Maintain links with International professional bodies
  • Work in association with Institute of Conservation

Activities and current areas of focus:

  • Organise and host annual open meeting
  • Independent review of Risk zone
  • Guidelines for employing a rodent contractor
  • Develop the Pest Odyssey website
  • Sharing expertise with IPM professionals
  • Investigate funding need for website development


  • Provide a program for annual open meeting
  • Develop website
  • Post rodent contractor review


  • Steering group meetings: 4 times a year (virtually or in person, ideally at least one meeting per year in person). At differing venues (one immediately before or after the open meeting)
  • A Quorum of 6 persons is needed to make proceedings of a steering meeting valid
  • Organise 1 open meeting: annual. At differing venues in the UK, ideally offering a virtual option to make the meeting as accessible to all members.

Relevant documents:

  • Terms of reference
  • Mission
  • Vision


  • Steering group and participants are self funded
  • Host organisation for meetings provide venue and catering free of charge
  • Costs for Pest Odyssey website maintenance and upgrades to be sourced externally