Programme for Pest Odyssey 2021: The Next Generation

Day 3 22nd September 

09:30 Day Three opening remarks

Session 9:

09:40 Recover - The challenges in setting up and running a successful IPM: Instruction versus practice: Where can we improve upon IPM?

Alex Rowe

09:55 Recover - The challenges in setting up and running a successful IPM: Integrated Pest Management: From monitoring to control

Jane Hensderson and Christian Baars

10:10 Recover - The challenges in setting up and running a successful IPM: An International IPM survey of resources and activities conducted by working group

Suzanne Ryder

10:25 Q&A

10:40 Break

Session 10:

10:50 Recover - Collaboration: Warrang/Sydney IPM Group: A Regional-Specific Digital Collaborative Forum

Jessica Gray

11:05 Recover - Collaboration: From pamphlets to websites - the evolution of IPM resource material

David Pinniger and Amy Crossman

11:20 Q&A

11:30 Management of priorities, goals and training in the execution of a pest mitigation project at the Peabody Museum of archaeology and ethnology

Cassy Cutulle

11:35 Advocating for IPM during a pandemic when a local authority has bigger concerns

Gwen Thomas

11:40 Conference closing remarks

11:55 Lunch

14:00 Workshop 1: Silverfish

Kristina Mandy,Sarah Coggins,Catherine Harris,Rudy Plarre and Pascal Querner

14:00 Workshop 2: International Collaboration

Fabiana Portoni and Amy Crossman

14:00 Workshop 3: IPM Training

Christa Deacy-Quinn


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